Monday, July 28, 2008

Waiting for the other foot to drop...


Everyone has morning sickness right? I am *that* early on that it hasn't reared its ugly head yet. The thing is, last time around, I had it for the entire pregnancy! I don't remember when it started and I don't nkow that i could easily locate the books where i kept track of those kinds of things when I was newly pregnant.

I have heard from a few sources so far that it usually doesn't start until week six. That is one week from wednesday. I am REALLY early on. So no morning sickness yet and I am enjoying it.

I know its on its way, and I'm almost eager to get there because its another mental marker that lets me know things are progressing as they should and that I am moving forward.

I'm also pretty afraid of it. I remember it well and I also remember that it never went away like it does for many. I remember being 8 months pregnant on the floor of an Olive Garden in Princeton, NJ, puking my guts out before lunch.

That afternoon, I walked out of the bathroom (after a quick adjustment and cleaning up) and into the dining room where my husband told me that they could hear me from our table. I was mortified, but what is a pregnant woman to do? I blushed for a moment or two then dove into the basket of bread and the salad when it *finally* arrived! :)

So this go round, I am trying to enjoy the few days left that I may have free of morning sickness. I could be one of the lucky ones who has it fo a short period of time or I could never get it at all!

There *are* some lucky gals who never know the evils of puking throughout their pregnancies. Lucky bitches! :) I wanna be one too! ;)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Eight HTPs later....

I am starting to BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so early on it isn't funny but the tests are darker and coming up quite fast. Today's was amazingly fast!!!! I'm stoked, but still cautious because it is just such a scary place to be after suffering early losses. **fingers xed**

Today we had a family gathering and it was hard to be hush hush. With things this early on, it is just too early to share the news with too many people. This part is *very* hard, however. I am also dying to tell my daughter, but being that she is 3 and a half and it is so early on, I want to hold off. Since she talks about her "siblings" often, I know she's going to be thrilled that her prayers (literal ones) have been answered! Seeing her face when she finds out will be priceless!

I need to call the doctor on Monday to make an appointment because the one I have was to calm my nerves and "confirm" the pregnancy but at this point I am starting to believe that I *am* pregnant and know that at seven weeks, it will be unlikely that we can see anything going on in there. I think we'll reschedule for 10 to 12 weeks, closer to when the OBs/Midwives want to see us.

The symptoms have started as well although so far, they seem manageable. I know the worst is ahead of me and I am braced and ready for it. I feel the symptoms are good because they remind me that my hormones are surging and that the pregnancy is thriving. When I don't feel any, I get nervous. I know I'll still complain as each one sets in, but secretly I'll be smiling and excited to experience them.

No pain no gain, right? :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Welcome to the Wild Ride!

This is the beginning of the adventure that begins with two little pink lines! I recently took that test and continued taking them for a few days before finally believing that I was actually going to be expecting. After a couple of early losses, I wanted to be sure before I got too excited.

But here we are. Number two's arrival is guesstimated for April 1, 2009--over four years after the arrival of number one. It is a bigger gap than I would have wanted, but hopefully the timing is all part of a master plan that will end up being for the best! :)

I wanted to keep track of all the ups and downs that go along with a pregnancy, from the unique perspective of a non-first timer. I also want to review products that I find myself looking into along the way since the trip to momhood is strewn with choices for mother and baby--some more important than others, but all decisions that have to be made!

Stay tuned for interesting tid-bits from the road to childbirth and beyond! :)
