Everyone has morning sickness right? I am *that* early on that it hasn't reared its ugly head yet. The thing is, last time around, I had it for the entire pregnancy! I don't remember when it started and I don't nkow that i could easily locate the books where i kept track of those kinds of things when I was newly pregnant.
I have heard from a few sources so far that it usually doesn't start until week six. That is one week from wednesday. I am REALLY early on. So no morning sickness yet and I am enjoying it.
I know its on its way, and I'm almost eager to get there because its another mental marker that lets me know things are progressing as they should and that I am moving forward.
I'm also pretty afraid of it. I remember it well and I also remember that it never went away like it does for many. I remember being 8 months pregnant on the floor of an Olive Garden in Princeton, NJ, puking my guts out before lunch.
That afternoon, I walked out of the bathroom (after a quick adjustment and cleaning up) and into the dining room where my husband told me that they could hear me from our table. I was mortified, but what is a pregnant woman to do? I blushed for a moment or two then dove into the basket of bread and the salad when it *finally* arrived! :)
So this go round, I am trying to enjoy the few days left that I may have free of morning sickness. I could be one of the lucky ones who has it fo a short period of time or I could never get it at all!
There *are* some lucky gals who never know the evils of puking throughout their pregnancies. Lucky bitches! :) I wanna be one too! ;)
Maybe you paid your dues already and this time round, you won't be pukey at all.
Guh. I cannot imagine being 8 months big and kneeling over a toilet, heaving up vomit. I hope I'm a lucky b*tch one day! ;)
Whoops - I'd be one of those "B's"
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