Sunday, September 28, 2008

In the still of the night....

I sit here after doing much needed grading, thinking about how much my body is changing. The reason for the contemplation on this topic is how sore I am. I was helping us move the past two days and I didn't even do any "heavy" lifting. I did do a lot of packing and was on my feet for a LONG time, but I didn't feel like I should FEEL things as much as I have.

Last night, I was really wondering if I'd be able to get out of bed this morning. SERIOUSLY! I was so worried because my lower back was KILLING ME! My feet were throbbing. I was just exhausted.

That evening--around 9-- I was SO close to tears because I knew my night was NOT close to being over. I finally was in bed around 11:30, and it was just not soon enough for me. PLUS, I had to be up early this am, so there wasn't a chance to sleep in. No cat naps. No resting.

I did wake up fine this a.m. with small reminders of yesterday and made a strong effort today to take it easy. I *did* help with cleaning/packing things, but didn't lift much of ANYTHING and took LOTS of sitting breaks. It has made a world of difference.

Now, I am not in the best shape to begin with, but being pregnant is a serious handicap when moving. Note to self: Next time, DON"T be pregnant. I moved into our house 4 and a half years ago when I was 3.5 months pregnant and now we are moving when I am just about at the same place in my pregnancy.

Glutton for punishment? Stupid? Unlucky? All of the above? :) PROBABLY!

Off to rest now...for two! :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Loquacious said...

Moving is hard work, period. I threw my back into a bad position after lifting some of our heavier boxes (mostly the books and the kitchen stuff), and my lower back is in ugly knots from the bending, squatting, packing, taping, lifting, and moving.

Our boxes are now with movers though, and we are dunzo! Tomorrow we fly out...woohoo!!! Good luck with the rest of your move and take it easy, babe!