Friday, October 3, 2008

Big Girls DO Cry!!!!

Especially THIS ONE!

These days everything upsets me more easily and the tears flow much more easily than they have in ages. I remember during the last pregnancy, I had a terrible time with the emotions I felt were overwhelming me. This happened EARLY on and was hard to get used to since I'm not a crier by nature.

This go round, it is a big different. I have been fine...until now. Last night the water works started over a few words with my husband and lasted a while. Today my mom snapped at me about some stupid ass crap and as soon as I calmly hung up, I was bawling. Believe you me....I was ready to cry on the phone but I wasn't going to do that since I knew she was mad at me to begin with and looking for a fight. She wanted to get my goat, so I wasn't going to let her know she had.

I got a call soon after that and was bawling on it because I hadn't worked the mom call out of me yet and so when I tried to talk calmly it just led to more tears!

My daughter and I watched Cars (the Pixar flick) two days ago and i was CRYING hard at the end. They are cars! And animated ones at that! Today we watched Nemo and--you guessed it--way way way more tears. (Fish are much closer to being human than cars ever could be!)

We don't usually watch so many movies but without cable...that is all we have!

I hope the tears dry up soon. I am having a hard enough time getting enough water down as it is. I don't need something else depleting my stores! :)


Mrs. Loquacious said...

LOVE the icon ;) Sorry to hear about the mondo tears, hon! Hopefully the hormones will settle down soon. Until then, I recommend some soft tissues (splurge a little on the lotion kind!) and lots of hugs with your little girl. And stop talking to people who make you cry!! :P

Anonymous said...

Dude. All I'm saying is I was watching the Disney Channel and couldn't stop crying.

That's just ridiculous.

Hang in there. Keep the tissue nearby.

Curlz said...

Hey just checking in to see how you are doing with the up and coming babe, I see. Lots of tears - let it out - this is your time to eat, cry, rest and make a baby! I suspected I was pregnant with my second child when I bawled for joy everytime someone won on the Price is Right. :)

tejanamama said...

LMFAO curlz...WOW that would be a dead give away! Thankfully I don't watch that show! I'd be dehydrated by now! ;)

Thanks Mrs. L! Miss you lady!

Thanks oops ;) First seventh heaven, then the disney channel? I think we are related! lol