My girl was with her grandparents by 8am and we were on our way to the perinatologist for the second ultrasound. We got in quickly and the tech measured all of the body parts on the baby. Pretty much, looks like the baby is RIGHT at where it should be.
Heart has the right number of chambers. The organs all look to be developing fine. The brain looks good. All the stuff that should be there is there.
And the really good news is that the placenta has moved up some, meaning it won't be in the way later on when its time to give birth! We also found out that my fibroids haven't grown much at all, meaning one less issue to contend with later. Apparently when they grow too much they sap some of the blood supply from the baby, so they will want to keep an eye on that going forward...JUST to be safe.
We were asked again if we wanted to know the sex and dh and I looked at each other. I told him it was up to him. He said he wanted to. I asked the tech if she knew yet, and she said, "Oh yeah! I saw it at the beginning." So then dh says, "TELL US!"
So much for self control this time around, huh? Heheehee!
So we found out. No more not knowing. Will it be pink or blue? Will we need hair bows or little sneakers? Will Elena have a baby sister or a baby brother?
We had a hunch it was a boy. I hoped for a girl (afraid of the unknown). Josh had a boy dream and I had weird unable-to-figure-the-sex-out dreams. :)
At the end of the day, I was STILL surprised. How is that even possible? LOL!
After that excitement, I had my regular appointment with the midwives. Nothing happened there. Pee in cup, get measured, weighed and poked at. It was fine. No more ultrasounds for two more months. Gestational diabetes test at the same time. Next appointment is the week before Christmas! :)
So that is that!