Wednesday, April 29, 2009

One Month and counting!!

Time passes quickly when you live in a vacuum!

Emilia turns a month old this week!

I have a couple of pictures to share with you that are from this week and today. She has started to smile and that has really made things entertaining. She is a joy--although still thinks midnight to 5 a.m. is "morning". That complicates things as far as getting decent sleep is concerned, but she is still a treasure!








Mrs. Loquacious said...

Emilia is SO cute! I'm beginning to see a bit of Elena in her...but as babies grow their look changes a lot, so who knows who she'll look like in 6 months?!

Hang in there girl...there will be lots of time to sleep later but she's only gonna be this little for a short time..enjoy it! :)

Anonymous said...

ahhh! That second picture is soooo precious. What adorable sisters :o) I have two sisters and I adore it so much!