Monday, March 16, 2009

14 days left...or less?

38 week appointment was today. It was a mix of emotions, but mostly good!

First they did an ultrasound which was had me excited and frightened. They estimate the baby's weight (on a static formula they plug my baby's info into) to be at 9 lbs 10 oz. I know this isn't true just based on the fact that the formula is flawed and didn't hold true for my last child. I do not deny that this is a large baby. I know I have those! But I don't think this kid is nearly 10 lbs with two more weeks to go!

chubby cheeks Pictures, Images and Photos
(Image above not my child ;) but still cute!)

HOWEVER, I did see my child on the ultrasound and it was such an uplifting, happy moment. I don't remember feeling so moved before in previous ultrasounds of TWO kids! This child looks adorable and I cannot wait to see what she really looks like. What was so precious is that you saw her cheeks moving in utero as she was sucking on her fingers. you saw her eyes open and close and you saw her head move and her hands move as she adjusted herself. It was so surreal and beautiful. Her cheeks look so sweet and pinchable! Really chubby and cute!

I know that two of the three midwives are more clinical and one is worried about my baby's weight so I was a little worried about what they would say when they saw the information of the U/s at my regular appointment later that morning. It turns out I saw the MUCH more laid back midwife, who I really want to be the lady in the room with me when I deliver. She was wonderful and also believes the ultrasound is wrong based on her very firm probing of my belly. OUCH! She said it feels VERY long and thin (like her sister is) and that she expects her to probably weigh what Elena weighed. She also said even if it was right, based on my daughter's body type, our sizes, etc, she doesn't think it will be a problem. PLUS this kid's head is slightly smaller than her sister's was, which is more good news.

We are doing Evening Primrose Oil and today was my first vaginal check. She said I'm almost at 2 centimeters dilated and that if I go this coming weekend or the following weekend, SHE IS ON CALL! :) LOL I hope my child cooperates!!!!

I don't know who works during the week, but I certainly hope we have a chance at her being the person who comes in to help deliver this baby!

I gained one pound, which is weird since my last appointment was only five days ago, but with only two weeks to go and no weight gained in almost three months, I cannot complain.

I am really getting anxious and hope we don't have long to wait! I am ready for things to go down this weekend. I need a couple of days to relax after all the stress of the past few days, including today (see post on other blog tomorrow). After a few rest up days, I am ready to rock and roll! :)


I, however, have a feeling this kid is nice and cozy where she is. Looking at her face, you would think she was big and strong enough to come out YESTERDAY, but she's coming in her time. Maybe she's a procrastinator like her mommy (and her sister--who was three days late)!




Anonymous said...

ahhh you're so close! congrats! you're right. That picture was adorable :o)

Mrs. Loquacious said...

Can't wait to see her! You must get J to send out pics soon after she arrives!!!

Diario de Elysia said...

I cannot believe it is sooo close. So exciting.