Thursday, December 18, 2008

Still Growing....

I had my Six month appointment today. It went well!

THE BEST NEWS EVER is that I only gained 3 pounds! And I was wearing my heavy ass shoes since my heel spurs and sciatica have been acting up. (They are gross ass New Balance shoes that I call Frankenstein Shoes--for reasons you can imagine I'm sure.)

Last month I gained ...well lots more than three pounds! :) So I was very happy to see that number go way down this month!

The baby is healthy and seems to be growing more than the norm. She could feel the baby and said she seems large! She said, "You just don't have small babies." I concur. I knew this kid was big based on the movement and pain inflicted on me in the process of her wading around inside me!

Elena came with me and gave up one of her homemade sugar cookies to the midwife. She had a blast in the waiting room talking to all the moms and looking at all the babies. This girl is so social it is bizarre to me sometimes. I mean I like a good chat as much as anyone, but WHOA, this girl takes it to the level of a competitive sport it seems! :)

Next month will bring my second sugar test and another ultrasound. This should be my second to the last one. We'll have another at the very end just to determine birth weight and decide if it will be a planned C-section or if we'll attempt vaginal delivery. Since this kid is already running big, we'll see how things go!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So it started.

A few weeks ago I had little ouches and owies, but today, it was here in FULL effect. :( My pelvic muscles feel like they are screaming for mercy. My belly is growing, and with it, the weight on my muscles. OUCHIE doesn't begin to cover it.

If I'm sitting, it is fine, but once I stand up to walk, OUCH! It means I am growing realy fast. I'm just a few days shy of six months, so it feels really early to me for this to be happening, but they say it happens faster the second time.

While I'm mostly enjoying this pregnancy, I'm worried about what this pain means. At just 24 months, what is in store for the REST of this long journey? Will my pain get worse? Time to whip out the pregnancy girdle (sounds horrible but its a blessing and a half ladies). I just didn't think I'd need it so early!!!!

The second time is definately NOT like the first.

Other new development is realy bad heartburn. I didn't have much with dd or at the beginning of this pregnancy, but now it is everpresent! :( I'm curious to see what the next few weeks bring!

All I know is that this kid is HUGE. Feels like she has to be much larger than they say. I can *see* my belly moving now! Those kicks and bumps are visible to the naked eye because they are so strong! One kick woke me up two nights ago! :) Dh has felt kicks on his back waking him too! This kiddo is gonna be a tae kwando star!! ;)