Thursday, October 9, 2008



Finally, my palate is returning!

With the second trimester, I'm noticing higher emotions and higher tolerance for a variety of foods. For the longest time, I have had severe aversions to MOST foods, which has made eating a varied diet (or a good one) hard to do. I was hoping that with time things would get back to "normal" and thankfully that seems to be happening.

Last night I had grilled chicken with an assortment of veggies. It was great! I followed it up with a small bowl of chocolate ice cream, but hey, baby steps, right?

I still have quite a lot of gas (both directions) and bad congestion that leads me to toss my cookies from time to time (few times a week) but aside from those things, life is good! :)

Enormous boobs? CHECK!
Growing abdomen? CHECK!
Wedding Ring getting tight on finger? CHECK!
Bad gagging and throwing up at times when brushing teeth? CHECK!
Aches and pains, including the awful return of "Sciatica"? CHECK!
Feeling ugly and fat everyday? CHECK!
Zits-o-plenty? CHECK! Check! CHECK! ;)

Things are going well it seems. I'm so glad that we are almost half way through this and that things are okay. The first time around, once past week 12, I never gave things a second thought. This time, however, I'm more cautiously optimistic. I know a few people who have experienced loss recently, and one was as late as 20 weeks! You seem to think you are "okay" after the first trimester, but bad things still happen. I hope that we don't have to worry about that, but it is always on your mind.

My guess is that knowing how great it is to have a child and loving her so much, I feel more aware that things can take place to rob you of that joy. I fear for her on a regular basis (even dropping her off at school) and so this one in my belly gets the same treatment.

The OTHER baby news

Dh had a sex dream! No not that kind...the kind that gives you a hint to the sex of the child. During my first pregnancy I was CONVINCED I was carrying a boy. Dh had two "girl" dreams, and viola....My girl *was* a girl when she popped out. This go round he had a boy dream. I tend to agree with him due to the fact that the pregnancy feels very different with very different symptoms thus far.

He says he's waiting for a second dream to "confirm" the sex. It will be our only confirmation since we have decided NOT to find out the sex in our next scan, happening two weeks from today! I trust DH's dreams because they have been right about *other things* during our courtship and marriage. He seems to have some weird sense of things that comes through every blue moon. I cannot wait to learn if he's still got it! ;)

1 comment:

Mrs. Loquacious said...

I hope it is a boy! :) I think it's a boy, too, if that counts for anything. If I actually *saw* you I'd be even more able to guess. They say that boys are often carried lower and more in the front than girls, who seem to be higher and more "wrapped around" the entire waist area. I've also heard of people using some weird needle/thread method to figure out the sex. Of course, boy or girl, the most important thing is that baby is healthy. Either way, you'll love the little one just the same and be a great momma to #2!