Saturday, August 2, 2008

First food run!!

HOPEFULLY there weren't be many of these, but tonight I was starving. I ate too light of a dinner too early and 4 hours later (too late to eat really) I was FAMISHED!!! I had dh pick something up for me to have so I could feel better and take my prenatal (which requires you to eat first). I feel tons better, but I thought, "hmm...its a bit early for this, isn't it?"

OH WELL :) Hopefully, this doesn't happen too often this pregnancy or my weight-gaining goals will be history! I didn't have many the last time I was pregnant, but they say each pregnancy is different.

For instance, last pregnancy I had two bad cravings. That was it!

TWO the entire pregnancy. One was for chipped ice (snow cone like) and the other one was for Mexican Hot chocolate (something I found hard to find in the town in NJ where I was living at the time). One happened closer to the beginning of my pregnancy (first trimester) and the other happened in the last half of my pregnancy (end of second trimester).

Thankfully, it was summer time in NJ and the shaved ice wasn't too hard to come by. It took me three days to finally find a shaved ice guy on the corner somewhere and those three days were the WORST days I recall. I cried from wanting that ice so bad! I thought i wanted a snow cone but later found out it was just the ice I wanted. Had I known that, I might have saved a lot of time and had ice at home! :)

From the stories I have heard regarding pregnancy cravings, my experience was not usual! I was glad for it but now think if the cravings come, my husband may not believe me since our first time was such a different experience!

There are still so many unknowns and I'm eager to see where this experience takes me! They say each pregnancy is completely different. I had an easy go of it the first time around, save a few physical set backs and limitations. I will be interested in finding out what my crosses are this go round. I look forward to bearing them in the hopes for that sweet child at the end of the ride! :)


Mrs. Loquacious said...

Hey - did I tell you that I really like the name of this blog - uterotopia - LOVE IT! :)

You never said what food you were craving THIS time round...greasy? spicy? sweet and cold? And how much of it did you eat (remember, you only need like 300 extra calories!)?

Man when I get cravings (and not the pregnancy kind!) I am a bear. Hubbs has come to understand the dangerous urgency of the situation and he is now wise enough to cave to my random demands, STAT. Luckily, without the hormones of a baby lurking within, my cravings aren't very frequent, though they do sometimes get quite specific.

Ice chips? That one is definitely an odd one.

tejanamama said...

Thanks! I was so happy no one had the name! LOL I actually haven't had any cravings yet...just HUNGER (that is what hit last night). Still no cravings yet! It is way early! :) I've had hankerings before being pg but never a craving that if not satisfied, moved me to tears. I felt so pathetic but didn't have control over it. It is funny looking back but was really painful at the time! lol