Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nine weeks and counting!

Things went well today at my second appointment. It is week nine of the pregnancy and this was the full physical examination, along with an early glucose test (since my mom is now borderline diabetic).

The test was much better than I remember it being last go round. I think maybe the required drink has changed or something. Had I not hurled right before I got there, I think I would have rather enjoyed the drink! Unfortunately, my newly-raw throat hated the carbonation! :( PLUS, I generally avoid anything carbonated due to the natural gassiness that God gives you during pregnancy. So I was a burping fool for hours after the appointment! ;)

The best news to come out of this appointment is that we will be returning in three weeks to hear the baby's heartbeat again! The even better news is that I'll be taking my daughter with me!

As much as I'd love to spring this on her as a great fun surprise, the midwife said to prepare her before hand so that she's ready and knows what is going to happen. Getting to see her face as she hears the baby's heartbeat will make my month! The midwife also said that she has some cool models she can bring in to illustrate some things for my daughter's benefit. I'm excited for that little experience we'll get to share.

All of this in only three week's time!

Until then, I hope not to hear from the office. If i do, it will be a call to say that my blood work wasn't good and that I will have to start the GD diet. If I don't hear anything from them, then I'm off the hook! :)

Whatever comes my way, I hope for the strength to face it easily!

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